Dear Colleagues,
We are writing to let you know about an Inequalities Conference the MSU College of Education is hosting on June 12 -13, which may be of interest to members of the CIES Economics and Finance of Education SIG. Our multidisciplinary conference will bring together researchers and practitioners in dialogue to address pressing issues of inequality.
For more detailed description please see below as well as the attached conference brochure. We are currently accepting paper submissions until April 1 5:00 pm Eastern Standard Time.
We appreciate your sharing this announcement with your colleagues.
Thank you for spreading word about the conference. We hope to see you there.
Lynn Paine
Assistant Dean
International Studies in Education
Michigan State University
Addressing inequalities, mobility, and dislocation: Insights from international and domestic research and practice
June 12 - June 13, 2017
Michigan State University
East Lansing, Michigan
Learn more, submit a proposal, and register athttp://education.msu.edu/international/Inequalities_Conference.asp
Proposal submission closes April 1
Inequalities conference announcement. Paper submissions invited. Michigan State University’s College of Education is announcing a conference on “Addressing inequalities, mobility and dislocation: Insights from international and domestic research and practice” to be held in East Lansing, Michigan, June 12-13. This conference will bring together researchers and practitioners from Michigan, across the continent, and around the world, working across a variety of disciplinary and professional perspectives. Together, we will explore how to work toward educational contexts that can help individuals, families, and communities thrive in the midst of inequity due to mobility, displacement, and other changes to education on local, national, and transnational scales. ​
In the context of the current global moment of social, economic, political and cultural transformation and dislocation, inequalities are growing. Exploring ways to understand and address them is even more urgently needed. This conference creates an opportunity for dialogue among US and international scholars and practitioners working on inequality in a range of contexts, drawing on different disciplinary perspectives and approaches. Our goal is to strengthen our insights and ability to create or support educational contexts (from early childhood through higher education) that help students, families and communities thrive in the midst of such turbulent and uncertain times.
We welcome your paper proposals and participation. Papers can focus on any level of education (early childhood through higher education/adult), and can address issues pertaining to local, national, or transnational contexts. We encourage submissions from higher education faculty and students, K-12 educators, those working in community organizations, and those working in policy. See the website for more information about the conference, registration, and paper proposal submissions (Proposal submission deadline extended to April 1). http://education.msu.edu/international/Inequalities_Conference.asp
Call for research proposals
18th FEB 2016
As part of EI’s Global Response campaign against the increasing commersialisation and privatization in and of education, EI is seeking to commission up to 6 research projects that shall provide evidence for campaign activities at the global, regional and national levels (see attached document).
We are inviting researchers (and particularly would like to encourage PhD students supported by an academic supervisor) to submit 2000 word proposals, as a bid for the actual research, (written in English) to EI.
The deadline for submission of the research proposal is March 3, 2016. Applicants should submit their proposals by e-mail to research@ei-ie.org.
In the attached call for proposals you can find further information on the campaign goals as well as the research projects that we are looking for.
We would like to ask you to share this proposal with sympathetic academics and doctoral students. In the case of national case studies we would welcome the involvement of local academics and doctoral students.
We would also like to invite to share any existing research with us that you think might be beneficial to the development and successful prosecution of the Global Response campaign.
Should you have any questions or require more information, please do not hesitate to contact me via this email address.
Thank you very much!
Kind regards,
Martin & Nikola
Word of appreciation:
The EFE SIG wish to thank our devoted referees for their contribution in reviewing research papers for the
2016 CIES conference:
Ji Liu, Teacher College, Columbia University.
Michael C. Russell, Centenary College.
Mor Zahavi, Bar Ilan University.
Iris BenDavid-Hadar
Bar Ilan University
March 6 - 10, 2016
CIES 2016 Conference, Vancouver
Six Decades of Comparative and International Education:
Taking Stock and Looking Forward