Economics and Finance of Education (EFE)
The Economics and Finance of Education SIG seeks to provide a forum where researchers, policy makers, and practitioners partake in a global study of Economics and Finance of Education, have meaningful conversations, and exchange ideas related to Economics and Finance of Education and policy.


Last Update: 3/9/20
Hello everybody!
We are pleased to announce the forthcoming annual CIES 2021 conference. The conference will be held both on site in Seattle, and virtually.
Further details will be sent soon …
You can join our mailing list by sending the relevant information in the “contact” page.
We all gathered on Wednesday (March 28th, 2018) at the morning time to meet and discuss our SIG future directions at thethird EFE business meeting.

Our Group Photo

CIES 2018 Business Meeting EFE-SIG, Mexico City, Mexico
March 28, 2017 10:00-11:15 am.
The Economics and Finance of Education (EFE) SIG at the CIES –Travel Grant Award in memory of JOSEPH WATRAS.
In line with CIES’s mission of international participation, the EFE Travel Grant is designed to recognize efforts of an emerging young scholar who needs support for travel to the CIES conference to present the results of scholarly research. This travel grant is awarded by our SIG in memory of Joseph Watras.
This year our award winner is Dr. Zehorit Dadon-Golan from Israel. Zehorit is an Adjunct Professor at Bar Ilan University, and a lecturer at Hemdat Hadarom College, in Israel.

(Left to right) Amrit Thapa EFE SIG Co-Chair Elect, Zehorit Dadon-Golan, and Iris BenDavid-Hadar EFE SIG Co-Chair.
The EFE-SIG New Board with two Co-Chair Persons elect- Amrit Thapa, University of Pennsylvania, and Jinusha Panigrahi, CPRHE, NUEPA will be in charge for the next EFE SIG activity (from 2019 till 2021). Our SecretaryJi LIU, Teachers College, Columbia University will finish his role next year 2019.
Thank you all for the past three years in which we were the Co-Chairs of the EFE SIG.
Hope to see you at the next CIES conference in San Francisco (April 14-18, 2019).
Please visit us at HTTP://EFE-SIG.WIX.COM/EFE-SIG
Iris BenDavid-Hadar Lynn Ilon
Iris.hadar@biu.ac.il personalbusiness@lynnilon.com
Bar Ilan University. Seoul University.
EFE Call for Joseph Watras Travel Grant for Young Scholars
The Economics and Finance of Education (EFE) SIG at the CIES would like to invite you to submit applications for the Travel Grant Award in memory of JOSEPH WATRAS.
Our travel grants for emergent scholars (received Ph.D. in the last 5 years) to present and discuss scholarly research at CIES 2018 conference. EFE SIG members whose proposal was accepted are eligible to apply to the grant. More information is available in the following link: EFE-SIG Award 2018
March 23, 2017
CIES 2017 Business Meeting EFE-SIG, Atlanta, Georgia March 8, 2017

Our Group Photo

EFE SIG Members- (Setting from the right to the left)
Dr. Stephoni Case, Dr. Iris BenDavid-Hadar, Prof. Lynn Ilons, Dr. Jinusha Panigrahi, and Dr. Wendy Roth.
EFE SIG Members-(Standing from the right to the left) Dr. Tyrone Bynoe, Dr. Alexander Kyerematen, Aigul Nurpeissova, Prof. Otgontugs Banzragch, Dr. Bernard Loleka Yungu, Prof. Peter Moock, and Dr. Amrit Thapa.
The Economics and Finance of Education (EFE) SIG at the CIES –Travel Grant Award in memory of JOSEPH WATRAS

(Right to the left) Dr. Jinusha Panigrahi, and Dr. Iris BenDavid-Hadar.
In line with CIES’s mission of international participation, the EFE Travel Grant is designed to recognize efforts of an emerging young scholar who needs support for travel to the CIES conference to present the results of scholarly research. This travel grant is awarded by our SIG in memory of Joseph Watras.
This year our award winner is Dr. Jinusha Panigrahi from New Delhi, India. Jinusha is an Assistant Professor at National University of Educational Planning and Administration- CPRHE, NUEPA.
The EFE-SIG has a New Board elect for 2019
Co-Chair Person Elect:

Brief Bio:
Amrit Thapa is a lecturer in the International Educational Development Program at Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania. He received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in economics from Sri Sathya Sai University, India, and M.Phil. and Ph.D. in economics and education from Columbia University. Dr. Thapa is also an Affiliated Researcher for the Center for Benefit-Cost Studies of Education at Teachers College, Columbia University and vice president for The Institute of Global Education (IGE), an NGO that has consultative status with the Economic & Social Council of the United Nations. Prior to Penn GSE, Amrit worked as a research director at the National School Climate Center (NSCC), an educational non-profit organization and as a teaching fellow for the Program in Economic Policy Management (PEPM) at the School of International & Public Affairs at Columbia University. His current research focuses on privatization of education in developing countries, role of education in economic development, and school climate research.
Co-Chair Person Elect:
Dr. Jinusha Panigrahi
Assistant Professor

Brief Bio:
Dr. Jinusha Panigrahi is an Assistant Professor at the Centre for Policy Research in Higher Education (CPRHE), National University of Educational Planning and Administration (NUEPA), New Delhi, India.
She holds M.Phil./Ph.D. in Economics of Education from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. She has several years of experience in research and teaching in the field of Economics & Education. She has a number of publications in national and international Journals and edited books. At CPRHE she is coordinating a major research project on “Financing of Public Higher Education Institutions in India: A Study of Flow of Funds and their Utilisation”. She is also coordinating a MHRD project on “Concentration and Oversupply of General and Technical Higher Education Institutions in India”. Besides, she is associated with teaching of MPhil/PhD programme at the University
Secretary Elect:
Welcome our New Board!
EFE SIG Elected Co-Chairs and Secretary

(Right to the left)
Dr. Jinusha Panigrahi, Dr. Amrit Thapa,
Dr. Iris BenDavid-Hadar, and Aigul Nurpeissova.
Hope to see you at the next CIES conference in Mexico City
(March 25-29, 2018) https://cies2018.org/
Iris BenDavid-Hadar Lynn Ilon
Co-chair EFE-SIG CIES & Co-chair EFE-SIG CIES
Iris.hadar@biu.ac.il personalbusiness@lynnilon.com
Bar Ilan University. Seoul University.
October 18, 2016
EFE SIG Joseph Watras Travel Grant for Young Scholars
The EFE Call for Joseph Watras Travel Grant for Young Scholars
The Economics and Finance of Education (EFE) SIG at the CIES would like to invite you to submit applications for the Travel Grant Award in memory of JOSEPH WATRAS.
Our travel grants for emergent scholars (received Ph.D. in the last 5 years) to present and discuss scholarly research at CIES 2017 conference. EFE SIG members whose proposal was accepted are eligible to apply to the grant. See guidelines below:
In line with CIES’s mission of international participation, the EFE Travel Grant is designed to recognize efforts of an emerging young scholar who needs support for travel to the CIES conference to present the results of scholarly research. This travel grant is awarded by our SIG in memory of Joseph Watras.
A. Instructions for Application
You should be a member of EFE in order to submit an application. Membership is $10. Only CIES members in good standing are eligible for travel grants. To join CIES, click here (http://www.cies.us/?page=Join)
The CIES member applicant must also be a member of Economics and Finance of Education (EFE) SIG. If you are not an EFE member, please visit: https://subfill.uchicago.edu/JournalPUBS/Donation.aspx?webpub=CER to submit SIG Dues.
Your application should consist of the official EFE Travel Grant Application Form, your accepted abstract, and acceptance notification from CIES. Please make the email subject “EFE Travel Grant Application” and name the file YourLastName_EFEApp.doc (for example, Smith_EFEApp.doc). Applications must be received by December 1, 2016 (5:00pm EST). Incomplete and late applications will not be considered. Grant recipients will be notified by February 1, 2017.
Application form here
B. Conditions of Acceptance
Please note that the grant recipient is required to agree to the following conditions:
Membership is a requirement for travel grant eligibility.
The recipient needs to be present at the EFE Business Meeting at CIES 2017 to receive the travel grant, unless the meeting directly conflicts with their own CIES presentation. The location and time for the meeting will be announced to all EFE members by email.
Travel grant recipients will be required to submit a follow-up report of their participation in CIES 2017 within one month after the conference and to contribute in some capacity with EFE the year of their award.
EFE-CIES grant payments will be disbursed directly to the recipients in the EFE business meeting.
September 02, 2016
Problematizing (In)Equality: The Promise of Comparative and International Education CIES 2017 Annual Conference, March 5-9, 2017 Atlanta, Georgia
Dear Members of the CIES Economics and Finance of Education Special Interest Group,
The 2017 CIES Annual Conference call for proposals is now available